In order to comply with insurance coverage and confidentiality of the children, employees of the center are not allowed to solicit for employment or engage in any temporary employment (babysitting) for parents/guardians
A parent bulletin board is located at the entrance of the cafe. Please take time to read and feel free to share information with the centre and other parents.
Age appropriate rules and limitations have been set and will be discussed with your child. Age appropriate courtesy, respect and manners are EXPECTED at the center and field trips. No form of physical punishment will be allowed. We feel redirection, realizing consequences, denial of privileges and parent conferences will make a better impact. Failure to obey the rules will also result in age-appropriate thinking time. Field trips will not be permitted unless proper behavior is exhibited at the center for safety reasons. Conferences will be held upon parent or staff request to discuss commendable or inappropriate behavior and to form unified plans. The center reserves the right to drop any child from the program that continues to disrupt activities after all attempts to correct the behavior have failed, when the child exhibits violence to other children, staff or self, creates an unsafe situation or when a child’s needs cannot be met.
If there is any damage to items belonging to Step by Step Learning Academy the Director will determine if it should be replaced or not.
The school reserves the right to an immediate suspension or expulsion of a child depending on various circumstances dealing with the child or the family at the discretion of the Director.
remain anonymous in the report that is completed on the child that is bitten.
First time biting, the parent is notified in writing.
Second incident, parent notified in writing, the Director will have a discussion with parent/Guardian to share strategies to help correct the behavior. The child will be asked to stay home the next school day.
Third incident, parent will be notified in writing, another discussion with parent/ guardian to see what steps need to be made.
At any time the biter can be suspended or removed from the school at Directors discretion.
Step by Step learning Academy director will post a notice anytime an animal is present in the school Animals such as cats, dogs, ferrets, or any animal larger than usual guinea pigs or hamsters, must have documentation of vaccinations on file at the center. This applies to animals brought from homes of the children as wel
Step by Step Learning Academy reserves the right to refuse services for the following conditions:
Parents who do not keep health information or immunizations updated
Step By Step Learning Academy is in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This is an equal opportunity program.
No person in the US shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability, political beliefs, or religion, be refused service. You may lodge a complaint in writing or call the Civil Rights Department, Texas Department of Human Services, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas. 78714-9030 or call 512-450-3630
We appreciate the confidence you have in our center and entrusting us with your most valued treasures…your children. It is our desire to serve your children and you with quality, nurturing, and attentive care to the best of our ability. Should you need my attention, please stop by the front office.