Admission Process

Get Started With The Smooth Hassle Free Registration Process

For your convenience we have provided the forms we’ll need at the time of enrollment.

At High Achievers Learning Center, we keep stress out of bound. Our smooth and hassle-free registration process makes it easy for you register your little one without worrying about extreme paperwork and strict availabality. Follow this process and let’s start a new begining with your little one.

Documents You Must Have At The Time Of Application

  1. Enrollment Package  
  2. Emergency Contact and Parent Release
  3. Certificate of Immunizations
  4. Over the Counter Medication Information
  5. Pediatric Health Statement (for infants through Pre-K only)
  6. Child Food Program
  7. Photo Release Statement

* (If necessary) legal documents regarding the child(ren)’s custody.

Immunization Records

Our application process along with the Licensing Board empasize greatly on the completion of all sorts of immunization records by the time you apply for registration. 

Furthermore, kids wishing to enroll into the pre-K programs must have a Hearing and Vision Screening Test on file by the State Health Departmentt. 

Application Submission

Once you fill up the application form, it is supposed to be submitted before the first day your kid joins us.

You can easily submit the application forms directly at our campus or attach them via email

(if any health changes occur to your child after the admission process, update us about it so we can update our data timely)